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State (Click to access website)ResellerNon-Profit Organization or Private SchoolState GovernmentFederal GovernmentManufacturerContractorPhone Number
AlabamaSTE-1 (State provides); MTCState issuedLetterhead or documentation that verifies Government EntityFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POMTCState issued exemption certificate334-242-1490
Arizona5000A; MTCState issuedNot ExemptFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your PO50005000; 5009L800-352-4090
ArkansasSSTGB; MTCNot ExemptNot ExemptFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POSSTGBSSTGB501-682-1895
CaliforniaCDTFA-230; MTCState Issued LetterNot ExemptFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POCDTFA-230MCDTFA-230MC800-400-7115
ColoradoDR-5022; MTCState issued LicenseState issued LicenseFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your PODR-5022State issued exemption certificate303-238-7378
ConnecticutConnecticut Resale Cert; MTCCERT-119CERT-134First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POCERT - 101CERT-141860-297-5962
District of ColumbiaFile Form OTR-368 with DC to receive District Issued Exemption CertificateFile Form FR-164 with DC to receive District Issued Exemption CertificateDistrict Issued Exemption CertificateFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POFile Form OTR-368 with DC to receive District Issued Exemption CertificateFile Form OTR-553 with DC to receive District Issued Exemption Certificate202-727-4829
FloridaState Issued Resale Certificate - DR-13State Issued Exemption Certificate - DR-14State Issued Exemption Certificate - DR-14First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POManufacturing Exemption CertNo Exemption for Contractors877-357-3725
GeorgiaST-5; MTC; SSTGBState Issued LetterST-5First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POST-5MNo Exemption for Contractors877-423-6711
HawaiiG-17;MTCNot ExemptNot ExemptFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POG-17No Exemption for Contractors808-587-4242
IdahoST-101ST-101ST-101First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POST-101No Exemption for Contractors800-972-7660
IllinoisCRT-61;MTCState Issued LetterState Issued LetterFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POST-587; MTCEZ-1800-732-8866
IndianaST-105;SSTGBState Issued NP-1ST-105;SSTGBFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POST-105;SSTGBST-105;SSTGB317-233-4015
Iowa31-014; MTC; SSTGB31-01431-014First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your PO31-01431-014800-367-3388
KansasST-28A; MTC; SSTGBState Issued Exemption Certificate with expiration dateState Issued Exemption Certificate with expiration dateFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POST-201State Issued Project Exemption Certificate785-368-8222
Kentucky51A105; SSTGB; MTC51A12651A126First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your PO51A111No Exemption for Contractors502-564-5170
LouisianaState Issued Resale Certificate - R-1064State Issued Letter for NPOR-1056First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POState Issued Exemption Certificate - R-1070No Exemption for Contractors855-307-3893
MaineState Issued Resale CertificateState Issued ST-2State Issued ST-2First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POST-P-70ST-P-72207-624-9693
MarylandMaryland Resale Certificate; MTCState Issued Exemption CertificateState Issued Exemption CertificateFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POState Issued Exemption CertificateLimited to specific contracts410-260-7980
MassachusettsST-4ST-5 & State Issued ST-2ST-5First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POST-12ST-5C617-887-6367
Michigan3372; MTC; SSTGB33723372First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your PO33723520 & 3372517-636-6925
MinnesotaST-3; MTC; SSTGBST-3ST-3First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POST-3No Exemption for Contractors651-296-6181
MississippiMississippi Resale Certificate; State Issued Seller PermitState issued LetterState issued LetterFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POState Issued Seller PermitState Issued Material Purchase Certificate (MPC)601-923-7700
Missouri149; MTCState issued LetterState issued LetterFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your PO1495060573-751-2836
Nebraska13; MTC; SSTGB1313First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your PO1317800-742-7474
NevadaNevada Resale Certificate; MTC; SSTGBState Issued LetterState Issued LetterFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POSSTGBNo Exemption for Contractors866-962-3707
New JerseyST-3; MTC; SSTGB/State Issued ST-5ST-4; Letterhead reflecting government agency or Hard Copy of your POFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POST-4ST-13609-292-9292
New MexicoState Issued Resale Certificate - NTTC Type 2State Issued Exemption Certificate - NTTC Type 9State Issued Exemption Certificate - NTTC Type 9First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POState Issued Resale Certificate - NTTC Type 2State Issued Exemption Certificate - NTTC Type 6 or NTTC Type 9505-827-0700
New YorkST-120ST-119.1State Issued Governmental LetterFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POST-121ST-120.1518-485-2889
North CarolinaE-595E; MTC; SSTGBE-595EE-595EFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POE-595ENo Exemption for Contractors877-252-3052
North DakotaNorth Dakota Resale Certificate; MTC; SSTGBCopy of State Certificate of Exempt Status - Exempt OrganizationCopy of State Certificate of Exempt Status - Exempt OrganizationFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your PONorth Dakota Manufacturing Exemption CertificateNo Exemption for Contractors701-328-1241
OhioSTEC-B;MTC; SSTGBSTEC-BSTEC-BFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POSTEC-BSTEC-CO888-405-4039
OklahomaState Issued Permit; MTC; SSTGBState Issued PermitState Issued PermitFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POState Issued PermitState Issued Permit; copy of construction contract, and properly certified invoices.405-521-3160
PennsylvaniaREV-1220; MTCREV-1220REV-1220First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POREV-1220REV-1220717-787-1064
Rhode IslandRhode Island Resale Certificate; MTC; SSTGBState Issued LetterState Issued LetterFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your PORhode Island Manufacturing CertificateRhode Island Contractor Certificate401-574-8955
South CarolinaST-8A; MTCNot ExemptNot ExemptFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POState Issued ST-9No Exemption for Contractors803-898-5000
South DakotaSD E Form-1932; MTC; SSTGBSD E Form-1932SD E Form-1932First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POSD E Form-1932No Exemption for Contractors605-773-3311
TennesseeTennessee Resale Certificate; MTC; SSTGBState Issued Exemption Certificate with expiration dateTennessee Government Exemption CertificateFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POState provides letter; Tennessee Resale certificateNo Exemption for Contractors800-342-1003
Texas01-339 Resale Exemption Certificate; MTC01-339 Exemption Certificate01-339 Exemption CertificateFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your PO01-339 Exemption Certificate01-339 Exemption Certificate800-252-5555
UtahTC-721; MTC; SSTGBTC-721; Purchase must exceed $1,000.00TC-721GFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POTC-721; MTC; SSTGBNo Exemption for Contractors801-297-2200
VermontS-3; MTC; SSTGBS-3S-3First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POS-3M; SSTGBS-3C; SSTGB802-828-2505
VirginiaST-10State Issued Letter with expiration dateST-12First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POST-11No Exemption for Contractors804-367-8037
WashingtonState Issued Resale Permit; MTC; SSTGBNot ExemptNot ExemptFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POREV 27 0021No Exemption for Contractors800-647-7706
West VirginiaSSTGBSSTGBSSTGBFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your PODirect Pay PermitCST-286304-558-8639
WisconsinS-211; MTC; SSTGBS-211S-211First four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POS-211No Exemption for Contractors608-266-2776
WyomingSSTGBSSTGBSSTGBFirst four digits of GSA CC or a Hard Copy of your POSSTGBNo Exemption for Contractors307-777-5542