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Ladders & Lifts


Ladder Safety & How It Affects Everyone

Approximately 22k ladder injuries in 2020

approx. 22K

Ladder injuries in 2020**

The most common ladder falls happen between 6 and 10 feet off the ground

6-10 FT.

The most common ladder falls happen between 6 and 10 feet off the ground

$6 billion is spent on workplace falls from working at heights


$6 billion is spent on workplace falls from working at heights*

Falls are the 3rd most common cause for disabling workplace injury*


Falls are the 3rd most common cause for disabling workplace injury*

Ladders are #3 on OSHAs Top 10 Most Cited Violations list


Ladders are #3 on OSHA’s Top 10 Most Cited Violations list.***